
Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13

Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13 The two most common types of personal bankruptcies are chapter 7 and chapter 13. Below is a quick overview of each type of bankruptcy. Review the summary below to discover which type of bankruptcy may help you. Chapter 7 (Liquidation) Usually the best option when:

How Bankruptcy Filing Helps your Credit Score

Find Out Right Now How Filing For Bankruptcy May Actually Increase Your Credit Score Credit scores are not “black and white,” where some people have “good” credit and others have “bad” credit. Rather, we all fall into some shade of grey. If you have debt problems, then your credit score

How To Deal With Auto Loans

Brooklyn, New York Auto Loan Debt Attorneys New York Car Repossession Are you behind on your car loan? If so, even driving around in your car to work and running errands can seem stressful. The constant nagging thought that your car could be repossessed is with you every moment. You

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

On December 19, 2003, the Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act (“SCRA”), which greatly expanded and improved the protections previously afforded to servicemembers under the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act was passed. The underlying purpose of SCRA is to strengthen national defense by providing protection to servicemembers, Reservists, and National Guardsmen

Stop Credit Harassment

Stop Credit Harassment, Brooklyn, New York, Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys Constant calls and letters from creditors can add to an already difficult and stressful situation. Though creditor harassment may often accompany debt, it is a situation that can be stopped by filing for bankruptcy. A knowledgeable bankruptcy lawyer can help put

Stop Tax Garnishment

Stop Tax Garnishments Back Taxes and You! You’re worried about not paying some money that you owe the IRS? Why shouldn’t you be worried? Back taxes owed are nothing to ignore! What’s that you say? You don’t have the money and you can’t raise it! If you owe state, federal,

Stop Wage Garnishment

New York, Bankruptcy Debt Relief Lawyers When creditors are seeking repayment of debts, they may seek to garnish your wages. This means that money is automatically taken from your paycheck in order for the creditor to be paid what they are owed. Once a garnishment has been ordered, you may

What Is Consumer Credit Counseling

Consumer Credit Counseling You have seen the ads. Companies on the Internet and on late-night TV promising to eliminate your credit card debt. What they do not tell you is that most debt consolidation programs do not work. In fact, many of these are phony operations, scampers just waiting to

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