Stop Credit Harassment, Brooklyn, New York, Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys
Constant calls and letters from creditors can add to an already difficult and stressful situation. Though creditor harassment may often accompany debt, it is a situation that can be stopped by filing for bankruptcy. A knowledgeable bankruptcy lawyer can help put an end to constant harassment and help you get back on your feet.
If you are experiencing creditor harassment due to debt, turn to our attorneys at the Brooklyn, New York, office of Figeroux & Associates. We have years of experience handling all types of bankruptcy and debt-related issues, including stopping creditor harassment. Together we can take charge of your debts, help you avoid collection phone calls and work to put an end to the harassment you and your family may be experiencing.
To discuss your creditor harassment questions and concerns, schedule a consultation at our office today by calling us at 855-768-8845. We offer free initial consultations to individuals who have participated in mandatory credit counseling.
End Creditor Harassment With Bankruptcy: After you have filed for bankruptcy, your creditors will receive notice of the filing. After this notice is received, an automatic stay is put into effect. This means that your creditors are prohibited to take any action that is an attempt to collect money during the time that the stay is in place. They cannot contact you directly and instead can contact our firm if necessary.
Prohibited actions during the automatic stay include:
- Calling your home or workplace
- Sending threatening letters
- Continuing to mail bills
- Foreclosing on or repossessing a property
- Wage garnishment
Contact Our Brooklyn, New York Stop Creditor Harassment Attorneys Today You have rights and options. Do not let creditor harassment continue without talking with a knowledgeable bankruptcy lawyer.